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Frequently Asked Questions
When did you begin writing?
I was pretty average at most subjects at school except English language and rugby. I had a poem published in the annual school rag mag when I was eleven, and I made a contribution every year after that.
Have you made any money writing?
After school, I kept on writing short stories and poetry but it was mainly for my own entertainment. My first paying gig was in 2019 with The Awesome Power of Questions. I still get a monthly royalty cheque today.
Was it difficult to get published?
The short answer is no. I used Kindle to publish, designing my own book cover, etc. In hindsight, I would do it differently and I do have a ‘go-to market’ strategy with my next book.
How important is taking a creative writing course?
If you go down the route of traditional publication with an agent etc., it’s vital that you have some technical knowledge behind your work as it won’t even get read. Publishers and agents haven’t got the time or the budget to correct typos. Even if you go indie and don’t understand your genre, you’ll lose readers.